Sunday 22 April 2018




Internet stands for International Network of computers, it is the largest information base and has become a vital part of our lives. Internet is changing the world even in more radical ways than we ever think. Tasks that were once done mostly through personal interaction, such as banking, shopping or communication can now be done online.

Using internet, we can share data and information across the globe instantly. Internet has made the world smaller, and a better place to live in. Today the buzzword is only INTERNET. The network of Internet is getting wider with every passing day. To analyze how fast the use of internet is growing, just pick any newspaper or magazine and carefully observe the advertisements given in them, You would realize that almost every company has its website listed in addition to its address and telephone numbers. Every organization is making its presence felt on the Internet.

Internet is a network of notworks which consists of inter-connected networks. It is a worldwide network of computers that uses common communication standards and interfaces to provide the physical backbone for a number of interesting applications.

Using Internet we can review newspapers, magazines, books, listen to music, watch movies, play games,keep ourself updated with current events, go for online shopping, know about recipes, check airline schedules and railway reservations,send e-mail, and much more .

Networking Concept

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